The Problem
Running a 24-hour operation requires the drillers (the heart of the operation) to work in shifts. Located near the town centre, the drilling camp always has a crew of drillers sleeping in their bunks at any time of the day.
Due to the high level of traffic from a nearby main road, the rather inconsiderate behaviour of some motorists (blasting hooters, running engine breaks, etc.) and a lack of sound barriers the drillers struggled to get to sleep.

Site Issues
As the cabins are next to the main road, any attenuation placed on the fence line would do little to mitigate the noise issue. To attenuate road traffic noise, a fence or wall generally needs to be well over 3m high, which was not possible on the boundary fence.
The Solution
The camp is made up of containers converted into cabins placed 1.3 metres apart. By installing our No Noise Goliath sound-absorbing barriers from the top of the container and draping them down to the floor, we were able to install the barriers with no gaps.
As these are 6.5kg/m2 in mass, they also offer a very high level of attenuation. The barriers have tensile-tested eyelets all around, so we were able to connect the bottom barriers to the top barrier for an effective solution without any fixture attached to the container.

The Outcome
The No Noise Goliath acoustic barriers have proved to be highly effective and have given the drillers the rest they so badly need. Since installing the noise barriers, the Camp Manager has had no complaints from the drillers about traffic noise. This has proved to be a very cost-effective solution for the drill camp without having to erect high fencing or move the entire camp away from the road.
No Noise Acoustic Barriers
Our No Noise noise barriers are designed for Australia conditions and meet all requirements from Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plans (CNVMP) as prepared by Acoustic Engineers. Our No Noise Goliath is 6.5kg.m2, and we also offer the No Noise Monster- 10kg/m2 offering the highest level of attenuation available on the market.